Sunday, May 4, 2008

Youth Temple Trip

This last Friday I was able to go with our youth to do baptisms for the dead in our Portland Temple. It was such a wonderful day - beautiful weather and a beautiful spirit that accompanied us. We were so fortunate to have our whole YW presidency in attendance and ALL of our young women, it was awesome. I'm so grateful to have opportunities like this that renews my spirit and reminds me of the peace and comfort of Heavenly Father's home - and our eternal home we can return to some day. Special shout out to Krissy for watching my kids - thanks again!


kim said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip. I always enjoyed those trips when I was younger.There's just something about baptisms. It's my favorite. I haven't worked with the Youth in forever!!! I loved it when I did. For some reason I keep getting called to Primary--although right now I don't have any calling. I know it's wrong, but yippee!!!!