Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Polynesian Turkey Day

So it's taken me a while to find the time to blog our Thanksgiving! It was quite a memorable one as it was just us this year and Peter got the sweet idea of cooking our turkey in the ground. Our friend Fish who lives in UT does this every summer with a pig - he is Hawaiian and it's a great tradition, so we thought we'd start it for Thanksgiving! It was quite an adventure and an all day event! We didn't actually end up eating our turkey with our Thanksgiving dinner because it wasn't quite done! But when it was, boy was it good and juicy - we decided it was our best turkey ever BY FAR!

Peter and Porter used Grandpa's handy Kubota to dig the hole for the turkey

After the hole is dug then you lay rocks in the bottom - Port had fun with this

Once the rocks were in place it was time to prepare the fire

Port was such a big help to Dad - he was lovin' the whole process.
Here's he's helping tend the fire.

The cabbage bed.

Prep'ing the turkey with all kinds of yummy seasonings
and inside Peter put apples, onion and cinnamon for a wonderful flavor.

The turkey all ready, wrapped in cabbage leaves and wire mesh to hold it all together. The thermometer had a nice long wire so we could bury the turkey but still be able to read the temp. This was my one and only request - we had to be sure it was done!

As you can see the fire was burned down to hot coals -
ready for a big turkey to smother it.

You then cover it with wet burlap and we poked a little hole in it for the thermometer.

Covering it all with dirt! I helped - aren't you proud?!
(All I was doing was holding the cord to the thermometer so it wouldn't get buried.)

At about 9:30pm we decided to pull it out of the ground because the temp wasn't increasing very quickly after a certain point. We thought it would be better to finish it off in the oven.

Cutting through the wire mesh to free it

It only took about 45 min. to finish baking - itn't it purdee?!
By the way Peter won this turkey in the annual Sister's Branch Turkey Shoot -
he was the best shot and won an 18 pounder - that's my man!

Makenna's Thanksgiving Day project - Indian Headdress Napkin Holders
They turned out so cute! You can't see them, but she attached tiny little
homemade feathers to the back of each one.

The Grand Feast!
(Minus the turkey, but it was OK - we were so full w/o it!)

Definitely plate-licking good!


Unknown said...

peter - that looks awesome! now, let's do it with a pig- i'm all about it.