Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dad's Tricky

Porter has had two wiggly bottom teeth for quite some time. I kept encouraging him to pull those babies out, but he did not have much desire to lose his precious pearlies. I could see the new teeth were growing in behind them - and getting pushed on weird, they were overdue to come out. So this past Sunday we were just finishing up with dinner and Peter had Porter on his lap inspecting those shark teeth. Peter pushed his finger against one of those wiggly teeth, it popped out into Port's mouth, he freaked, and spit it out! Peter snatched that tooth mid-air - like it was all some clever choreography! The whole thing made Port go a little ballistic, however we were able to convince him it would be a good feeling to get that other tooth out! With a little kleenex and a little tug - he had both teeth out in the same night!

Way to go Port! The Tooth Fairy is going to love those!


Rockin' Rowes said...

How fun! We had the same thing with my daughter. Two teeth in a matter of days. Not to mention a little drama trauma. - Brett

Krissy said...

That pic showing Kenna's excitement makes me giggle. Kate just lost her 4th one this week, good thing since she had a row of shark teeth too.