Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Porter and Charley have started gymnastics! Charley does a half hour Mom and tot class and Porter does a 45 min. preschool age class. Their teacher is great and by the end of class they are both pooped and ready for a snack. The nice thing is they are back to back - so we have one fun Wednesday morning! And to top it off Story Time at the library starts 15 min. after Port's class is done, it's a great way to start our day!


kim said...

Although I complain about being so busy with running from here to there, I do love the fact that the activities tend to tucker the kids out. We are only doing 2 kids in soccer right now though. I wasn't sure I could get 3 to all the practices and games without Kevin's help. Besides, Noah isn't really very good. He's more of a cerebral kind of guy.