Yes - there was a Santa sighting here in Sisters! The day after Thanksgiving - Santa paraded through town on this very wagon. Do you think he might be checking up on us to be sure he has us on the right list?! Better be good for goodness sakes!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Santa Sighting!
Posted by Lonnie at 6:11 PM 3 comments
Thanksgiving Recap
Having a whole week off at Thanksgiving time is the best thing ever! We had lots of snow - so that made it so much fun for the kids. We had a snow play date at our house with cousins to start off the fun week!
On Thanksgiving Day we enjoyed our normal traditions: Mom cooking up the favorite family recipes, Dad playing in the Turkey bowl with our branch, having a soak in the hot tub . . .
Unfortunately I took "O" pictures of our beautiful Thanksgiving spread - but believe me it was big and it was delicious! After dinner I entertained the kids with some fun music and dancing games and then they wanted to perform! I think our favorite was Turkey in the Straw - with our two turkeys (Porter and Josh) in the middle!
Posted by Lonnie at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Thankful Li'l Turkeys!
This year we made Thankful Turkeys - and the kids were so creative with them! They each wrote what they were most thankful for on each feather and then we did some Turkey bowling baby! We lined them up at one end of the table, made a barricade with leggos and blocks - then we bowled with marbles. What a fun FHE night!
Posted by Lonnie at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Christmas Tree Hunt
Trish and Eric's family along with ours hit the forest (just up the road from our house) to hunt for the perfect Christmas tree. It wasn't long until we found the perfect spot to park and hike around. The snow was deep and it was still coming down - good thing we brought along our sleds!
Posted by Lonnie at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sunday Funnies
Since this year Charley wanted to be a pumpkin, I let her get some orange face paint. For both the Friday and Saturday festivities we never did use the face paint. Sunday afternoon came along and we stumbled upon that fabulous face paint. Makenna thought it would be fun to do Charley's face makeup and I gave her the green light. About a half hour later they walked into the office and presented this masterpiece - it was all I could do to not fall off my chair laughing.Soon after, our Home Teachers came over and we were all in fits and giggles as she strutted in, thinking she was the cat's meow. I don't think I could have made this face look as good as you did Makenna.
The best part is after the make up session was over, Makenna took Charley outside for a photo shoot - complete with about 20 different poses. When I popped open the camera to see these beauties, I felt like now Halloween was complete.
Little did we know that Charley would wake up the next morning with a bit of a rash from that orange oompla loompa face mask - ahhh, what we women won't go thru for the sake of beauty.
That Sunday afternoon didn't fully reach it's climax until Porter came out of the closet in this "crazy cat lady" get up - what you'll do when you can' t go trick or treating on Sunday!
Posted by Lonnie at 10:41 PM 1 comments
The Branch Halloween Party
They also had THE BEST trunk - you're so creative!
For this event Charley changed from being a pumpkin
to being a Snow Princess,
and she definitely fits the part these days.
Posted by Lonnie at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Halloween Parade thru Sisters
Since we moved to Sisters 4 years ago, we have made it a yearly tradition to attend the "Halloween Parade" through Sisters. TONS of families and friends gather at the City Park and go in groups on a special route through town and trick or treat to all the local businesses. We were blessed with BEEUTEEFUL weather and the kids had tons of fun!

Posted by Lonnie at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Halloween Parties
It's always fun to come to school and be a part of the class Halloween parties. This is Porter and Makenna just before they left for school. If you didn't notice, Port tucked his pants into his socks because "then no one will notice my pants are too short." We sure know how to breed 'em - but thanks again Josh for letting us borrow that awesome skeleton costume!
In Kenna's class their desk groups got to play "wrap the mummy" and Makenna was picked to be victim. Her classmates thoroughly enjoyed mummifying her in strips of toilet paper - it was so fun to watch!
In Porter's classroom one of the parents read them a Halloween story and brought ghost necklaces to make.
I think he enjoyed the treats the most.
Charley's always happy to come along for the ride - and to get to see what "the big kids" are doing at school . . .
it's definitely a novelty to her!
Posted by Lonnie at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Of Their Own Design
So we FINALLY carved our pumpkins - I think they'd been sitting by the front door, hollowed out for 2 weeks! The kids designed their own pumpkin face and I helped carve - Makenna did most of her own accept for that tricky mustache! Love those creative kids of mine!
Posted by Lonnie at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 25, 2010
Port's Show Off Day
This past Friday the first graders at Sisters Elementary School got to show off some of the fun things they've been learning and doing in PE and in Music. We started off in the gym and they showed us their HUGE parachute and the cool things they do with it.
and there was a lot Porter wanted do and show to us.
That kid held it there for quite a while -
I think his chin might have helped him just a little!
Posted by Lonnie at 7:50 PM 1 comments