Friday, October 22, 2010

Pumpkin Heads

I wish this border was pumpkins instead of roses -
that would be so much more appropriate for this post!
Even still, we are just a couple of pumpkin heads In spite of our best efforts to get to a pumpkin patch this year,
we still ended up at Ray's Grociery store to pick pumpkins, pretty pathetic!

On the up side, the kids were still pumped about it and we let them pick out a festive treat for our FHE dessert. They ended up with sprinkley donuts - yum yum!

Even with a busted hand, Petey was still able to hollow out a pumpkin like a pro.
Of course Porter did most of the scooping - the funnest part!

Phase 2 is still to come - the actual carving! It just got too late to do it all in one night!
Happy Halloween from a future skeleton, witch, and pirate (can you guess who will be what?)


Krissy said...

Well even at Ray's you got some cute pumpkin pics. I love that you had them get in the "patch" for a picture! I can't wait to see their costumes!