Friday, May 6, 2011

Quick Trip to Seattle

We zipped off to Seattle on a clear Friday evening to watch Peter play in his last rugby game of the season. We stayed at a hotel that night and the kids were DEELIGHTED - swimming when we woke up, breakfast in the hotel, cable TV . . . so fun!A fun fact about Peter's last rugby game was that they played on one of the fields he played soccer at many times growin' up! Robin and Greg came with their kids to watch which was so fun and the weather was even pretty nice! They played great and Peter once again got man of the match! I was bummed I didn't get a picture with he and his teammates - however Robin did represent and honor him with another of her "Amazing Cakes" - yes she is talented in so many ways.A spitting image, don't you think? And it was tasty too!

We also got to see 3 great grandmas and 1 great grandpa, which was quite the treat! We went up to Bellingham after Peter's game Saturday and got to spend the night with Mom and Dad. We enjoyed seeing Nan and Pop (I sadly didn't take any pics with them, what was I thinking?) and then Sunday morning got a quick visit with Grandma Carr.

We then hopped back in the car and headed to Whidbey Island where Peter's grandma is living. We haven't seen her in a really long time and now that she is battling Alzhiemers, she doesn't recognize us anymore. It was so good to see her though and for our kids to be with her. There is something so grounding about being with those who have given so much to making our family what it is today.

Of course Peter was able to talk about some memories with Grandma that did bring a light into her face and a little smile. He loved being with her and seeing her again, we all did.

Our family and Robin and Greg's family decided to explore Fort Casey before we left the island- what a cool place! Then after being blown to smithereens we were treated to delicious chili and hot chocolate at Rich and Myrna's house - it was exactly what we needed!

It was sure nice to escape the cold wind in this cool lighthouse - it was so beautiful! What a fun trip we had - and packed in SOOOO much! Thanks Mom and Dad for feeding us and having us crash for the night, just wish it was a longer visit! Thanks again for hosting us Robin, we loved sleeping over and playing all morning!