Friday, May 6, 2011

Sweet Moments

Hatcher is one of the sweetest little 3 year olds I think I've ever known. In that little body of his is one giant, bigger than life, sized spirit. He has been through quite the journey over the last 6 weeks. From open heart surgery, to being on an ecmo machine, to plastic bronchitis, this cowboy is one tuff cookie. It has been more than I could bear to hear what my sister and her little boy and their family were going through and not be able to be there for them .... or with them .... or anything! Finally this last week I was able to fly into CA to share in the craziness that their life is right now. Since the diagnosis of Plastic Bronchitis - the Dr.s and nurses have been on full attention to Hatcher's condition, since it is so rare and there is currently no known cure. The treatments he is currently undergoing are extreme, and frequent. He wears a vest that shakes the living daylights out of him every 3-4 hours as well as an inhaled Rx of TPA. Needless to say, he's not a big fan. But honestly, I had no idea that I would come on the scene to see a happy, witty, delightful Hatcher. He has had a really good week - and I feel so grateful to have gotten to spend the sweet moments that I did with him (as well as with Jaxyn, Britt, Randy, and my Mom).

He caught on quick to Candy Land and loved trying to make his way to King Candy first! It was so sweet to watch the way Jaxyn and Hatcher respond to each other, with so much love and tenderness. Jaxyn - I feel like we had a lot of bonding moments this last week, and I miss you SOOOOOO much! I hope when you start school at the hospital next week it is so much fun and you love it! I will treasure the times we played bananagrams, yahtzee, and uno in our pjs, snuggled, slept every night together, went on soooo many elevator rides, played in the playroom, made projects, read books, held hands, and watched you be the most amazing sister anyone could be. I love you so much.

They are really trying to put those calories on Hatcher - so many nights he got ice cream or a popsicle and he was always a big fan of that! Raise the roof buddy!

Everyday that I was there they got to take walks out onto the terrace and get a little vitamin D! It was thrilling to watch him slowly make his way down the hall and out those doors, shovel in hand! Randy was sure Hatcher got lots of time to do that - and I know it's helped him get so much stronger!

My favorite thing about this kid is that he is cowboy, true blue through and through! He got those chaps and all his gear on, that's when he felt the best. In spite of all the cords and rigamarole he was tangled with, he still managed to get on the gear. He's got spirit - but also this angelic quality that is endearing to everyone who meets him. All of the Dr.s and Nurses just love their family, but are especially enamored with Hatcher. Not only by what an amazing miracle he is, but also by what an adorable, charming little boy he is. (In fact I think Nurse Amy and Nurse Rachel are fighting over him as we speak!) Right now the future is unknown for Hatcher, but all I know is - his future is bright!

I love you Hatcher, Jaxyn, Britt and Randy. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your world this last week. You amaze me with your strength, patience, love, and especially your faith. All will be well. I hope the next couple of weeks bring answers and guidance to your hearts and minds. I miss you already.


The Webber's said...

What a wonderful post of Britt's family. I can't help but having my eyes filled with tears each time I read their blog. You all area great support to their family and I look forwards to their return home! I mean we've only met little Hatcher once in passing and they only live minutes away from us here in Idaho now! We've got a lot of play dates to set up in the future :) Thanks for your post, updates, and pictures! Very sweet and I'm so glad you were able to be with your sister and it looks like everyone enjoyed your visit!