Saturday, July 26, 2008

The High Desert Museum

A few weeks ago Trish invited us to go to the High Desert Museum in Bend. It was such a fun day! We spent about 4 hours exploring the fun exhibits and natural habitats - and we're sure glad we went early because it was SOOO hot that day! One of the first things we did was to find the otter - who was so playful and the kids had so much fun watching him play and swim.

Samantha didn't want to miss out either!
Another favorite outdoor exhibit was the settler's homestead. We got to see baby chicks, pet goats, pump water, see the insides of a small cabin, water their garden and plants, and lots more!

All the people on the homestead were dressed in period clothing and talked as if they really lived there. The school marm just happened to be visiting from Prineville that day and she wanted to check up on how the kids were doing with their "letters and numbers."
She was so sweet and the kids loved pretending they were really going to school!
The girls continued to pose for pictures all day - it was great!

We got to explore a real teepee - it was unanimous that no one thought it would be that great "to actually live in one!"

The kids got to see this porcupine up close and personal. I think all the moms were just a little nervous one of those quils was going to shoot out and poke someone!
Before taking a lunch break the kids all had a great time
pretending to be spiders on this enormous web

We were so hungry and took a little picnic break
Then it was off for more posing!

After lunch we went to the exhibits inside the museum. This nest area was a favorite with fake rocks to climb on, a slide, and even a small cave to explore!

It was a great day and I know the kids would love to have another visit before the summer's over! Thanks Trish, Josh, Brook and Samantha for a super time!


kim said...

That place looks like so much fun!!! Where is this place???

Lonnie said...

The High Desert Museum is on the outskirts of Bend, it takes us about 40 minutes to get there. We really had such fun - if you guys visit that would be a great place to go!

Kedra Simpson said...

wow, what a great museum. The next time we come for a visit we will have to go check it out. We actually were sad to miss you guys last weekend. We stopped by but you were at the coast! :( Hopefully we get another chance to visit soon.

E.T. said...

Thanks for posting all those cute pics, that was a fun trip!