Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Christmas RE-CAP!

So many fun things happened over Christmas . . .
here are just a few fun memories:

A visit from Grandma Great - love that lady!

Setting up our favorite snow scene - that I set up with my family growing up.
EVERY kid that came to our house at Christmas time would stand in front of this table
and the kids would explain all the little pieces of the scene - priceless.

Charley - our baby - turned 5! She is getting to be
such a big girl and can't WAIT for Kindergarten!

She had a "monkey" party and
we did banana splits for dessert!

Krissy and Ray hosted our "quiet Christmas Eve" this year!
So many were missing - but it was SO FUN
to have Mom and Dad here with us!

Lots of fun games - including a white elephant game -
kid version and adult version!
(Krissy's creepy goodwill doll was a popular item)

Always fun to be had when Papa's around!

Christmas Eve right after opening their X-mas PJ's!

Christmas morning stockings

More games!

I always regret the amount of pictures I take during Christmas and when Mom and Dad come to town - never enough. We sure did love that they climbed in the car and made the snowy drive over! It made Christmas so special this year!