Monday, March 21, 2011

Hatcher's Heart Surgery

My nephew Hatcher is a cowboy at heart and this little guy sure has one big heart. He is so full of joy and life - and everyone that meets him feels his strong spirit. He was born with a serious heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and has had several heart surgeries in his young life. He has been due for another surgery, called the Fontan, for quite a few months now and finally the Doctors feel he is big and strong enough. The initial surgery date was for Friday March 18th, but had to be postponed. He will finally be able to have his much needed surgery tomorrow, bright and early Tuesday March 22nd at 6am at the Standford University Hospital. We would love to invite anyone to pray for our little fighter! Love you Hatcher pants! (If you want to learn a little more about HLHS and the fontan surgery, go to Youtube and view:
Surgery-Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome - HLHS - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)


gaylene said...

hope he's doing well. we'll definitely be praying!

Clark Siler said...

Thank you for letting us know. We will keep him in our prayers.