Sunday, September 28, 2008

Trip to Bellingham Aug. '08


Emily said...

Hey Lonnie!
I randomly saw your comment on my blog (which I haven't updated as you can see for months. Blame it on the new baby, a move and downloading a free cute background that messed up my WHOLE blog. Anyway the desire to fix it hasn't been there, yet). So good to hear from you and see your adorable little family! I love blogging for this purpose! It's such an easy way to stay in touch. I loved catching a glimpse of your and Brittany'slives! I even remember Grandma Carr. Keep in touch. Emily

The Webber's said...

Oh my goodness - your family has GROWN! Loved to see the pictures of everyone (britt, dane, your parents, grandma carr, etc!) It's been SO many years since I've been back to b'ham!! Everyone looked happy and well! How is Grandma Carr doing these days?